I have been a gilder for most of my life, working with some of London’s most established galleries and workshops, and one of the things I have always loved about my job is that I could do it anywhere. So I now work exclusively with individual clients, wherever they need my help and expertise, on site and on demand. I particularly specialise in gilding, toning and distressing.
After an intense apprenticeship with Vilmo Gibello, a wonderful Italian artist whose colouring was second to none, I found a passion for furniture restoration and trained with Salvatore Titian & Son, learning decorative painting and texturing techniques like imitation tortoiseshell, marbelising, dragging, and parcel-gilding. After working professionally with antique furniture, I spent over twenty years working for and with London’s pre-eminent frame specialist, Arnold Wiggins & Sons, where I refined many of my techniques.
I now offer on-site, conscientious frame restoration and reproduction, focusing on gilding (oil and water); distressing , toning and certain painted and texturing techniques.